graphnet.models.components.pool module

Functions for performing pooling/clustering/coarsening.

graphnet.models.components.pool.min_pool(cluster, data, transform)[source]

Perform min-pooling of Data.

Like max_pool, just negating `data.x.

Return type:


  • cluster (LongTensor)

  • data (Data)

  • transform (Any | None)

graphnet.models.components.pool.min_pool_x(cluster, x, batch, size)[source]

Perform min-pooling of Tensor.

Like max_pool_x, just negating `x.

Return type:


  • cluster (LongTensor)

  • x (Tensor)

  • batch (LongTensor)

  • size (int | None)

graphnet.models.components.pool.sum_pool_and_distribute(tensor, cluster_index, batch)[source]

Sum-pool values and distribute result to the individual nodes.

Return type:


  • tensor (Tensor)

  • cluster_index (LongTensor)

  • batch (LongTensor | None)

graphnet.models.components.pool.group_by(data, keys)[source]

Group nodes in data that have identical values of keys.

This grouping is done with in each event in case of batching. This allows for, e.g., assigning the same index to all pulses on the same PMT or DOM in the same event. This can be used for coarsening graphs, e.g., from pulse- level to DOM-level by aggregating feature across each group returned by this method.

Return type:


  • data (Data | Batch)

  • keys (List[str])



data.f1 = [1,1,2,2,2] data.f2 = [6,7,7,7,8]


groupby(data, [‘f1’]) -> [0, 0, 1, 1, 1] groupby(data, [‘f2’]) -> [0, 1, 1, 1, 2] groupby(data, [‘f1’, ‘f2’]) -> [0, 1, 2, 2, 3]


Group pulses on the same DOM, using DOM and string number.

Return type:



data (Data)


Group pulses on the same PMT, using PMT, DOM, and string number.

Return type:



data (Data)

graphnet.models.components.pool.sum_pool_x(cluster, x, batch, size)[source]

Sum-pool node features according to the clustering defined in cluster.

  • cluster (LongTensor) – Cluster vector \(\mathbf{c} \in \{ 0, \ldots, N - 1 \}^N\), which assigns each node to a specific cluster.

  • x (Tensor) – Node feature matrix \(\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{(N_1 + \ldots + N_B) \times F}\).

  • batch (LongTensor) – Batch vector \(\mathbf{b} \in {\{ 0, \ldots, B-1\}}^N\), which assigns each node to a specific example.

  • size (Optional[int], default: None) – The maximum number of clusters in a single example. This property is useful to obtain a batch-wise dense representation, e.g. for applying FC layers, but should only be used if the size of the maximum number of clusters per example is known in advance.

Return type:


graphnet.models.components.pool.std_pool_x(cluster, x, batch, size)[source]

Std-pool node features according to the clustering defined in cluster.

  • cluster (LongTensor) – Cluster vector \(\mathbf{c} \in \{ 0, \ldots, N - 1 \}^N\), which assigns each node to a specific cluster.

  • x (Tensor) – Node feature matrix \(\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{(N_1 + \ldots + N_B) \times F}\).

  • batch (LongTensor) – Batch vector \(\mathbf{b} \in {\{ 0, \ldots, B-1\}}^N\), which assigns each node to a specific example.

  • size (Optional[int], default: None) – The maximum number of clusters in a single example. This property is useful to obtain a batch-wise dense representation, e.g. for applying FC layers, but should only be used if the size of the maximum number of clusters per example is known in advance.

Return type:


graphnet.models.components.pool.sum_pool(cluster, data, transform)[source]

Pool and coarsen graph according to the clustering defined in cluster.

All nodes within the same cluster will be represented as one node. Final node features are defined by the sum of features of all nodes within the same cluster, node positions are averaged and edge indices are defined to be the union of the edge indices of all nodes within the same cluster.

  • cluster (LongTensor) – Cluster vector \(\mathbf{c} \in \{ 0, \ldots, N - 1 \}^N\), which assigns each node to a specific cluster.

  • data (Data) – Graph data object.

  • transform (Optional[Callable], default: None) – A function/transform that takes in the coarsened and pooled object and returns a transformed version.

Return type:


graphnet.models.components.pool.std_pool(cluster, data, transform)[source]

Pool and coarsen graph according to the clustering defined in cluster.

All nodes within the same cluster will be represented as one node. Final node features are defined by the std of features of all nodes within the same cluster, node positions are averaged and edge indices are defined to be the union of the edge indices of all nodes within the same cluster.

  • cluster (LongTensor) – Cluster vector \(\mathbf{c} \in \{ 0, \ldots, N - 1 \}^N\), which assigns each node to a specific cluster.

  • data (Data) – Graph data object.

  • transform (Optional[Callable], default: None) – A function/transform that takes in the coarsened and pooled object and returns a transformed version.

Return type:
