Datasets In GraphNeTgraphnet


The Dataset class in GraphNeT is a generic base class from which all Datasets in GraphNeT is expected to originate. Dataset is based on, and is is responsible for reading data from a file and preparing user-specified data representations as objects. Dataset provides structure and common functionality without ties to any specific file format.

Subclasses of Dataset inherits the ability to be exported as a DatasetConfig file:

dataset = Dataset(...)

This .yml file will contain details about the path to the input data, the tables and columns that should be loaded, any selection that should be applied to data, etc. In another session, you can then recreate the same Dataset:

from import Dataset

dataset = Dataset.from_config("dataset.yml")

You also have the option to define multiple datasets from the same data file(s) using a single DatasetConfig file but with multiple selections:

dataset = Dataset(...)
dataset.config.selection = {
    "train": "event_no % 2 == 0",
    "test": "event_no % 2 == 1",

When you then re-create your dataset, it will appear as a Dict containing your datasets:

datasets = Dataset.from_config("dataset.yml")
>>> datasets
{"train": Dataset(...),
"test": Dataset(...),}

You can also combine multiple selections into a single, named dataset:

dataset = Dataset(..)
dataset.config.selection = {
    "train": [
        "event_no % 2 == 0 & abs(injection_type) == 12",
        "event_no % 2 == 0 & abs(injection_type) == 14",
        "event_no % 2 == 0 & abs(injection_type) == 16",
>>> dataset.config.dump("dataset.yml")
>>> datasets = Dataset.from_config("dataset.yml")
>>> datasets
{"train": EnsembleDataset(...),

You also have the option to select random subsets of your data using DatasetConfig using the N random events ~ ... syntax, e.g.:

dataset = Dataset(..)
dataset.config.selection = "1000 random events ~ abs(injection_type) == 14"

Finally, you can also reference selections that you have stored as external CSV or JSON files on disk:

dataset.config.selection = {
    "train": "50000 random events ~ train_selection.csv",
    "test": "test_selection.csv",
Example of DataConfig

GraphNeT comes with a pre-defined DatasetConfig file for the small open-source dataset which can be found at graphnet/configs/datasets/training_example_data_sqlite.yml. It looks like so:

path: $GRAPHNET/data/examples/sqlite/prometheus/prometheus-events.db
    columns: [0, 1, 2]
    arguments: {}
    class_name: Prometheus
    dtype: null
    nb_nearest_neighbours: 8
    arguments: {}
    class_name: NodesAsPulses
    node_feature_names: [sensor_pos_x, sensor_pos_y, sensor_pos_z, t]
class_name: KNNGraph
- total
- sensor_pos_x
- sensor_pos_y
- sensor_pos_z
- t
- injection_energy
- injection_type
- injection_interaction_type
- injection_zenith
- injection_azimuth
- injection_bjorkenx
- injection_bjorkeny
- injection_position_x
- injection_position_y
- injection_position_z
- injection_column_depth
- primary_lepton_1_type
- primary_hadron_1_type
- primary_lepton_1_position_x
- primary_lepton_1_position_y
- primary_lepton_1_position_z
- primary_hadron_1_position_x
- primary_hadron_1_position_y
- primary_hadron_1_position_z
- primary_lepton_1_direction_theta
- primary_lepton_1_direction_phi
- primary_hadron_1_direction_theta
- primary_hadron_1_direction_phi
- primary_lepton_1_energy
- primary_hadron_1_energy
- total_energy
- dummy_pid
index_column: event_no
truth_table: mc_truth
seed: 21
test: event_no % 5 == 0
validation: event_no % 5 == 1
train: event_no % 5 > 1

SQLiteDataset & ParquetDataset

The two specific implementations of Dataset exists :

  • ParquetDataset : Constructs Dataset from files created by ParquetWriter.

  • SQLiteDataset : Constructs Dataset from files created by SQLiteWriter.

To instantiate a Dataset from your files, you must specify at least the following:

  • pulsemaps: These are named fields in your Parquet files, or tables in your SQLite databases, which store one or more pulse series from which you would like to create a dataset. A pulse series represents the detector response, in the form of a series of PMT hits or pulses, in some time window, usually triggered by a single neutrino or atmospheric muon interaction. This is the data that will be served as input to the Model.

  • truth_table: The name of a table/array that contains the truth-level information associated with the pulse series, and should contain the truth labels that you would like to reconstruct or classify. Often this table will contain the true physical attributes of the primary particle — such as its true direction, energy, PID, etc. — and is therefore graph- or event-level (as opposed to the pulse series tables, which are node- or hit-level) truth information.

  • features: The names of the columns in your pulse series table(s) that you would like to include for training; they typically constitute the per-node/-hit features such as xyz-position of sensors, charge, and photon arrival times.

  • truth: The columns in your truth table/array that you would like to include in the dataset.

  • graph_definition: A GraphDefinition`that prepares the raw data from the `Dataset into your choice in data representation.

After that, you can construct your Dataset from a SQLite database with just a few lines of code:

from import SQLiteDataset
from graphnet.models.detector.prometheus  import  Prometheus
from graphnet.models.graphs  import  KNNGraph
from graphnet.models.graphs.nodes  import  NodesAsPulses

graph_definition = KNNGraph(

dataset = SQLiteDataset(
    features=["sensor_pos_x", "sensor_pos_y", "sensor_pos_z", "t", ...],
    truth=["injection_energy", "injection_zenith", ...],
    graph_definiton = graph_definition,

graph = dataset[0]  #

Or similarly for Parquet files:

from import ParquetDataset
from graphnet.models.detector.prometheus  import  Prometheus
from graphnet.models.graphs  import  KNNGraph
from graphnet.models.graphs.nodes  import  NodesAsPulses

graph_definition = KNNGraph(

dataset = ParquetDataset(
    features=["sensor_pos_x", "sensor_pos_y", "sensor_pos_z", "t", ...],
    truth=["injection_energy", "injection_zenith", ...],
    graph_definiton = graph_definition,

graph = dataset[0]  #

It’s then straightforward to create a DataLoader for training, which will take care of batching, shuffling, and such:

from import DataLoader

dataloader = DataLoader(

for batch in dataloader:

The Dataset`s in GraphNeT use :code:` objects to present data as graphs, and graphs in GraphNeT are therefore compatible with PyG and its handling of graph objects. By default, the following fields will be available in a graph built by Dataset :

  • graph.x: Node feature matrix with shape [num_nodes, num_features]

  • graph.edge_index: Graph connectivity in COO format with shape [2, num_edges] and type torch.long (by default this will be None, i.e., the nodes will all be disconnected).

  • graph.edge_attr: Edge feature matrix with shape [num_edges, num_edge_features] (will be None by default).

  • graph.features: A copy of your features argument to Dataset, see above.

  • graph[truth_label] for truth_label in truth: For each truth label in the truth argument, the corresponding data is stored as a [num_rows, 1] dimensional tensor. E.g., graph["energy"] = torch.tensor(26, dtype=torch.float)

  • graph[feature] for feature in features: For each feature given in the features argument, the corresponding data is stored as a [num_rows, 1] dimensional tensor. E.g., graph["sensor_x"] = torch.tensor([100, -200, -300, 200], dtype=torch.float)`

SQLiteDataset vs. ParquetDataset

Besides working on different file formats, SQLiteDataset and ParquetDataset have significant differences, which may lead you to choose one over the other, depending on the problem at hand.


SQLite provides fast random access to all events inside it. This makes plotting and subsampling your dataset particularly easy, as you can use the selection argument to SQLiteDataset to pick out exactly which events you want to use. However, one clear downside of SQLite is that its uncompressed, meaning that it is intractable to use for very large datasets. Converting raw files to SQLite also takes a while, and query speed scales roughly as log(n) where n is the number of rows in the table being queried.


Parquet files produced by ParquetWriter are compressed by ~x8 and in shuffled batches of 200.000 events (default) stored in seperate .parquet files. Unlike SQLite, the query speed remains constant regardless of dataset size, but does not offer fast random access. ParquetDataset works on the merged files from ParquetWriter and will read them serially file-by-file, row-by-row. This means that the subsampling of your dataset needs to happen prior to the conversion to parquet, unlike SQLiteDataset which allows for subsampling after conversion, due to it’s fast random access. Conversion of files to parquet is significantly faster than its SQLite counterpart.


ParquetDataset is scalable to ultra large datasets, but is more difficult to work with and has a higher memory consumption.

SQLiteDataset does not scale to very large datasets, but is easy to work with and has minimal memory consumption.

Choosing a subset of events using selection

You can choose to include only a subset of the events in your data file(s) in your Dataset by providing a selection and index_column argument. selection is a list of integer event IDs that defines your subset and index_column is the name of the column in your data that contains these IDs.

Suppose you wanted to include only events with IDs [10, 5, 100, 21, 5001] in your dataset, and that your index column was named "event_no", then

from import SQLiteDataset

dataset = SQLiteDataset(
    selection=[10, 5, 100, 21, 5001],

assert len(dataset) == 5

would produce a Dataset with only those five events.


For SQLiteDatase, the selection argument specifies individual events chosen for the dataset, whereas for ParquetDataset, the selection argument specifies which batches are used in the dataset.

Adding custom Labels

Some specific applications of Models in GraphNeT might require truth labels that are not included by default in your truth table. In these cases you can define a Label that calculates your label on the fly:

import torch
from import Data

from import Label

class MyCustomLabel(Label):
    """Class for producing my label."""
    def __init__(self):
        """Construct `MyCustomLabel`."""
        # Base class constructor

    def __call__(self, graph: Data) -> torch.tensor:
        """Compute label for `graph`."""
        label = ...  # Your computations here.
        return label

You can then pass your Label to your Dataset as:


graph = dataset[0]
>>> ...

Combining Multiple Datasets

You can combine multiple instances of Dataset from GraphNeT into a single Dataset by using the EnsembleDataset class:

from import EnsembleDataset
from import ParquetDataset
from import SQLiteDataset

dataset_1 = SQLiteDataset(...)
dataset_2 = SQLiteDataset(...)
dataset_3 = ParquetDataset(...)

ensemble_dataset = EnsembleDataset([dataset_1, dataset_2, dataset_3])

You can find a detailed example here .

Implementing a new Dataset

You can extend GraphNeT to work on new file formats by implementing a subclass of Dataset that works on the files you have.

To do so, all you need to do is to implement the abstractmethod query_table which defines the logic of retrieving information from your files.

The GraphNeT development team is willing to support such efforts, so please consider reaching out to us if you need help.