Integrating New Experiments into GraphNeTgraphnet

GraphNeT is built to host data conversion, model and deployment code from different neutrino telescopes and related experiments. Part of the design is to minimize the technical overhead of implementing support for an experiment, and can typically be done with 200 - 300 lines of code.


The GraphNeT development team is willing to support the integration efforts of new experiments, so please consider reaching out to us if you need help.

A general outline of the steps to integrate an experiment into GraphNeT is outlined below.

1) Adding Support for Your Data

The most critical element of implementing support for an experiment into graphnet is an interface to data from your experiment. This can be done in two ways:

  • a) Adding a Dataset class that are able to read your data directly during training

  • b) Adding a GraphNeTFileReader and associated Extractors to convert your data to a supported data format.

Option a) is only viable if the data format from your experiment is suitable for deep learning.

Option b) requires adding your own reader and defining extractors. Below is a step-by-step example

Writing your own Extractor and GraphNeTFileReader


We recommend visiting the DataConverter documentation before reading this example

Suppose you want to add a reader and extractor for MyExperiment and that the data is stored as pickled dictionaries with two kinds of entries:

hits: a single pandas.DataFrame with dimensions [n_pulses,d] where n_pulses is the number of observed Cherenkov pulses across all events in the file, and d is the number of features we know about each measurement. These features would normally include the sensor position, time of measurement, event id etc.

truth: a single pandas.DataFrame with dimensions [n_events, t] where n_events denotes the total number of events in the file and t is the number of event-level truth variables we have available for this simulation. Ordinarily, these truth variables would include particle id, energy, direction etc.

To convert these pickle files to a supported backend in GraphNeT, we first have to define our reader. This reader should open a pickle file and apply the Extractor that we must also implement. Lets start with the reader:

from typing import List, Union, Dict
import pandas as pd
import pickle

# Import the generic file reader
from .graphnet_file_reader import GraphNeTFileReader

# Import your own extractor
from import MyExtractor

class MyReader(GraphNeTFileReader):
    """A class for reading my pickle files from MyExperiment."""

    _accepted_file_extensions = [".pickle"]
    _accepted_extractors = [MyExperiment]

    def __call__(self, file_path: str) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
        """Extract data from single pickle file.

            file_path: Path to pickle file.

            Extracted data.

        # Open file
        file = open(file_path,'r')
        data = pickle.load(file)

        # Apply extractors
        outputs = {}
        for extractor in self._extractors:
            output = extractor(data)
            if output is not None:
                outputs[extractor._extractor_name] = output
        return outputs

When the DataConverter is instantiated, it will set the Extractors that it was instantiated with as member variables of our GraphNeTFileReader, making them available to us under self._extractors. When the conversion is running, the DataConverter will pass a file_path to our __call__ function, and it is the job of our reader to open this file and apply extractors to it. These calls will happen in parallel automatically.

So - the reader above first opens the .pickle file, and then applies the extractors. Job done! Let’s now define the extractor:

The purpose of an Extractor is to extract only part of the information available in files. When an Extractor is instantiated, it is given a name:

extractor = MyExtractor(extractor_name = "hits")

and this name is used to select specific tables in the file.

from typing import Dict

from import Extractor

class MyExtractor(Extractor):
    Class for extracting information from pickles files in MyExperiment

    def __call__(self, dictionary: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Extract information from pickle file."""

        # Check if the table is in the dict
        if self._extractor_name in dictionary.keys():
            return dictionary[self._extractor_name]
            return None

We defined our reader in such a way that our extractor recieves a dictionary: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] argument. Our extractor therefore only have to find the field it needs to extract and return it.

With both a reader and extractor defined, we’re ready to convert data to a supported backend in GraphNeT! Below is an example of using the code above in conversion:

from import MyExtractor
from import DataConverter
from import MyReader
from import ParquetWriter

# Your settings
dir_with_files = '/home/my_files'
outdir = '/home/my_outdir'
num_workers = 5

# Instantiate DataConverter - exports data from MyExperiment to Parquet
converter = DataConverter(file_reader = MyReader(),
                          save_method = ParquetWriter(),
                          extractors=[MyExtractor('hits'), MyExtractor('truth')],
# Run Converter
converter(input_dir = dir_with_files)
# Merge files (Optional)

2) Implementing a Detector Class

GraphNeT requires a Detector class to represent details that are specific to your experiment.

a Detector holds a geometry table, standardization functions that maps your raw data into a numerical range suitable for deep learning, and names of important columns in your data.

Below is an example of a Detector class:

from graphnet.models.detector import Detector

class MyDetector(Detector):
    """`Detector` class for my experiment."""

    geometry_table_path = "path_to_geometry_table.parquet"
    xyz = ["sensor_x", "sensor_y", "sensor_z"]
    string_id_column = "string_id"
    sensor_id_column = "sensor_id"

    def feature_map(self) -> Dict[str, Callable]:
        """Map standardization functions to each dimension of input data."""
        feature_map = {
            "sensor_x": self._sensor_xyz,
            "sensor_y": self._sensor_xyz,
            "sensor_z": self._sensor_xyz,
            "sensor_time": self._sensor_time,
        return feature_map

    def _sensor_xyz(self, x: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
        return x / 500.0

    def _sensor_time(self, x: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
        return (x - 1.0e04) / 3.0e4

feature_map is a function that maps a standardization function to each possible feature from your experiment. The class variable xyz contains the names of the xyz-position of sensors in your detector. string_id_column and sensor_id_column holds the names of the columns in your input data that contain the string and sensor ids, respectively.

Lastly, geometry_table_path points to a file that you should add to graphnet/data/geometry_tables/name-of-your-experiment/name-of-detector.parquet. A geometry table is an array containing all sensors in your experiment and has dimensions [n, d] where n denotes the number of sensors in your detector and d is the number of available features.

Suppose the detector represented by the Detector class above had 5 sensors in total on one string, then the corresponding geometry table would be:

Table 1 Example of geometry table before applying multi-index





































Here, every row represents a unique sensor identified by sensor_id. GraphNeT will use this id to add/remove/filter sensors from your training examples, if you specify so in your data representations.

To convert the table above into a geometry table, you must set a MultiIndex on the xyz position variables, and save it as .parquet:

import pandas as pd

path_to_array = 'my_table.csv'

table_without_index = pd.read_csv(path_to_array)
geometry_table = table_without_index.set_index(['sensor_x','sensor_y','sensor_z'])

here 'my_table.csv' refers to the table above, and the resulting 'my_geometry_table.parquet' would be the file to include under graphnet/data/geometry_tables/name-of-your-experiment/