
graphnetGraphNeT is available for Python 3.8 to Python 3.11.


We recommend installing graphnetGraphNeT in a separate environment, e.g. using a Python virtual environment or Anaconda (see details on installation here).

Quick Start

Your OS

When installation is completed, you should be able to run the examples.

Installation in CVMFS (IceCube)

You may want graphnetGraphNeT to be able to interface with IceTray, e.g., when converting I3 files to a deep learning friendly file format, or when deploying models as part of an IceTray chain. In these cases, you need to install graphnetGraphNeT in a Python runtime that has IceTray installed.

To achieve this, we recommend installing graphnetGraphNeT into a CVMFS with IceTray installed, like so:

# Download GraphNeT
git clone
cd graphnet
# Open your favorite CVMFS distribution
eval `/cvmfs/`
# Update central utils
pip install --upgrade pip>=20
pip install wheel setuptools==59.5.0
# Install graphnet into the CVMFS as a user
pip install --user -r requirements/torch_cpu.txt -e .[torch,develop]

Once installed, graphnetGraphNeT is available whenever you open the CVMFS locally.


We recommend installing graphnetGraphNeT without GPU in clean metaprojects.