graphnet.deployment.deployer module

Contains the graphnet deployment module.

class graphnet.deployment.deployer.Deployer(modules, n_workers)[source]

Bases: ABC, Logger

A generic baseclass for applying DeploymentModules to analysis files.

Modules are applied in the order that they appear in modules.

Initialize Deployer.

Will apply DeploymentModules to files in the order in which they appear in modules. Each module is run independently.

  • modules (Union[DeploymentModule, Sequence[DeploymentModule]]) – List of DeploymentModules. Order of appearence in the list determines order of deployment.

  • n_workers (int, default: 1) – Number of workers. The deployer will divide the number of input files across workers. Defaults to 1.

run(input_files, output_folder)[source]

Apply modules to input files.

  • input_files (Union[List[str], str]) – Path(s) to i3 file(s) that you wish to apply the graphnet modules to.

  • output_folder (str) – The output folder to which the i3 files are written.

Return type:
