
Base I3Extractor class(es).


Bases: Extractor

Base class for extracting information from physics I3-frames.

Contains functionality required to extract data from i3 files, used by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

All classes inheriting from I3Extractor should implement the __call__ method.

Construct I3Extractor.


extractor_name (str) – Name of the I3Extractor instance. Used to keep track of the provenance of different data, and to name tables to which this data is saved.

set_gcd(i3_file, gcd_file)[source]

Extract GFrame and CFrame from i3/gcd-file pair.

Information from these frames will be set as member variables of I3Extractor.

  • i3_file (str) – Path to i3 file that is being converted.

  • gcd_file (Optional[str], default: None) – Path to GCD file. Defaults to None. If no GCD file is given, the method will attempt to find C and G frames in the i3 file instead. If either one of those are not present, RuntimeErrors will be raised.

Return type:
